Jacklyn Figueroa さんのプロファイル

Naturally Grown Farms | Website Redesign

Naturally Grown Farms is a premier provider of micro-sized vegetables, herbs, mushrooms, and seasonal produce to professional and home kitchens in Argyle, TX. They enlisted my expertise to revitalize their online presence through a comprehensive site audit and redesign. With a focus on showcasing their vibrant array of micro greens and other offerings, my mission was to create a visually captivating and user-friendly website that embodies the essence of Naturally Grown Farms' commitment to quality and sustainability.

The collaborative efforts between our team and Naturally Grown Farms culminated in the successful redesign of their website, elevating their online presence and positioning them as a premier destination for fresh, sustainable produce. The clean yet lively design aesthetics, coupled with enticing photography and a focus on micro greens, effectively convey the essence of Naturally Grown Farms' brand and offerings. With a revitalized website in place, Naturally Grown Farms is well-equipped to engage customers, drive sales, and cultivate lasting relationships with culinary enthusiasts and professionals alike.​​​​​​​

Naturally Grown Farms | Website Redesign
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Naturally Grown Farms | Website Redesign

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