Profil uลผytkownika โ€žBig Studiosโ€Profil uลผytkownika โ€žThais Falconiโ€

Princess on Periods - Rapunzel

Princess on Periods - Rapunzel
Discover our newest adventure: an epic campaign created in partnership with British agency MullenLowe for Bayer. This challenging project transcended taboos, bringing a new voice to young women through a bold reimagining of classic fairy tales such as Rapunzel, Cinderella and Aurora, Sleeping Beauty.

Menstruation, a natural phenomenon that is part of the daily lives of billions of women around the world, many still in childhood, is often surrounded by mysteries and taboos, especially during the transition to puberty โ€” a period marked by doubts and silence. . It is in this scenario that our beloved princesses are reinvented: they leave their castles and enter reality, facing everyday challenges in a strong and authentic way.

This innovative campaign is being broadcast on TV and billboards, and of course, on social media, where the magic spreads even faster.

Start the journey today with the enchanting Rapunzel film. Stay tuned: over the next two weeks, we will share more of this incredible journey that promises to inspire and transform. Don't miss.

Descubra nossa mais nova aventura: uma campanha รฉpica criada em parceria com a agรชncia britรขnica MullenLowe para a Bayer. Este projeto desafiador transcendeu tabus, trazendo uma nova voz para jovens mulheres por meio de uma releitura audaciosa de contos de fadas clรกssicos, como Rapunzel, Cinderella e Aurora, a Bela Adormecida.

A menstruaรงรฃo, um fenรดmeno natural que faz parte do dia a dia de bilhรตes de mulheres ao redor do mundo, muitas ainda na infรขncia, รฉ frequentemente cercada de mistรฉrios e tabus, especialmente durante a transiรงรฃo para a puberdade โ€” um perรญodo marcado por dรบvidas e silรชncios. ร‰ neste cenรกrio que nossas adoradas princesas sรฃo reinventadas: elas saem dos castelos e entram na realidade, enfrentando os desafios cotidianos de maneira forte e autรชntica.

Esta campanha inovadora estรก sendo veiculada em TV e outdoors, e claro, nas redes sociais, onde a magia se espalha ainda mais rรกpido.

Comece a jornada hoje com o encantador filme de Rapunzel. Fique atento: nas prรณximas duas semanas, compartilharemos mais desta incrรญvel jornada que promete inspirar e transformar. Nรฃo perca

#3dย #cgi #characterdesign #princess #bigstudios

Clients Bayer Consumer Health Global
Patricia Corsi
Philipp Schuster

Global Creative Director, Carlos Andrรฉs Rodriguez
Client Partner, Rebecca Harrison
Strategy Partner, Diana Lopes
Producer, Kelly Barker
Group Creative, Director Enrique Camacho
Creative Directors, Bronwyn Sweeney, Loren Cook, Tanya Wilson, Lindsei Barros
Copy Writer, Sebastian Suarez Gnecco
Global Business Leader, Will Dixon
CSO International Brands, Ayesha Walawalkar
Executive Director, Global Strategy, Jonny Gadd
Strategist, AJ Morris
Production Officer, Nick Price

Production โ€“ Big Studios
Director, Tiago Marcondes:
Project Manager, Marina Plink
Animation Director, Alex Ferreira Simรตes
Assistant Animation Director, Lucas Barbosa
Technical Coordinator, Anderson Virino
Coordinator, Daniel Barbieri
Assistant Coordinator, Isa De Nicola

Storyboard, Martim Chiarella
BG / Prop Concept Art, Katan
Character Concept art, Andrรฉ Zendron
Illustrator and Concept, Bruno Jacob

Lead / Character Modelling (Cinderella), Eric Pereira
BG / Prop Modelling, Gabriel Neris
BG / Prop Modelling, Lucas Gallo
Character Modelling (Rapunzel), Gabriel Cruz
Character Modelling (Sleeping Beauty), Vitor Semeghini

BG / Character texturing, Kayque Deleon
BG / Prop texturing, Igor Lapa
Prop texturing, Lucas Gallo
Rigging, Danilo Pinheiros
Hair Sculpting, Sergio Filho

Lead Rendering, Anderson Virino
Composition / Lighting Lead / Rendering, Alexandre Trevisan
Rendering, Igor Lapa
Rendering, Kayque Deleon
Composition, Fabio Urzedo
Additional Simulations, Otavio Massarico

Alex Ferreira Simรตes
Lucas Barbosa
Daniel Ferretti
Daniel Ueno
Beatriz Ramos
Marcos Elias
Andrรฉ Ventura
Victor Souza
Camila Xavier Fazolin
Daniele Vieira
Felipe Carpinetti
Guilherme Olivato
Gabriel Kotaro

Editor / Motion Graphics, Junior Trein
Motion Graphics, Thais Falconi
Additional Motion Graphics ,Anderson Virino
Editor (Making of), Marcos Alencar

FX Supervisor, Vinรญcius Abdala
Task Scheduler, Pedro Zumkeller
Pipeline TD / FX Artist, Gabriel Leite
FX Artist, Xan Yamamoto
FX Artist, Lucas Girotto
Ingest QC, Vitor Lanna
Ingest QC, Felipe Zapater

Music Producer James Feeler, Marcos Vaz, Luciano Nunes
Executive Producers Hingrit Nitsche, Kiki Eisenbraun
Sound Engineers Otรกvio Bertolo, Siri e Marcelo Filho
Production coordinators Julianna Zuppo and Leticia Nunes
Clients Bayer Consumer Health, Dorival
Juan Manuel Nuss Bertora
Gustavo Martinez
Ana Lucia Ordoรฑez
Luis Mendoza
Camila Estrada
Santiago Vallejo
Maria Cecila Morales
Maria Cecilia Garci
Princess on Periods - Rapunzel

Princess on Periods - Rapunzel
