作怪 tsok kuai

作怪漢方茶 tsok kuai



Tsok Kuai aims to make Chinese herbal tea more approachable with iconic illustrations of illnesses and stress, inspired by Taiwanese folklore. Our packaging blends traditional Chinese herbal packaging with interactive origami for a unique experience.

To capture the brand’s playful spirit, our logo is sketched with graffiti strokes, depicting a monster peeking out from the bushes. This is paired with rough handwritten text. Each package features a monster corresponding to the product, symbolizing that consumers can eliminate the monsters inside their bodies by drinking herbal tea. The packaging design also echoes traditional hand-wrapped herbal medicine, with paper that can be folded into a reusable box. Additionally, it includes a comic strip for personalization, allowing consumers to discover the charm of Chinese medicine through a sense of whimsy.

Client 客戶:作怪漢方茶
Year 專案年份:2022
Designer 設計:林威廷
Project Management 專案:王昱雯
Photography 攝影:Jack Lin
作怪 tsok kuai

Project Made For

作怪 tsok kuai

來自大稻埕50年的老中藥鋪,作怪漢方茶以童趣的角度切入,將壓力及病痛轉化成台灣民間故事中的妖怪,以純正的漢方藥草茶幫助消費者斬妖除魔。每款包裝都有一隻與產品對應的妖怪,象徵消費者可以透過飲用漢方茶消滅身體裡的妖怪,並呼應傳統藥材手工包裝,包裝紙可折成紙盒再利用,附有自行填空的漫畫,透過童趣 Read More
