Design: Begum Seckin
Visualisation: Begum Seckin

Project: Bathroom Renovation
Area: 8.5 sqm
Year: 2024
In this small yet beautiful bathroom design project, one of the aspects I highly prioritized was my client's desire to preserve the natural stone walls. The starting point of the design was the rustic design style found in the inspirational images provided by my client. Keeping this in mind and drawing inspiration from the unique outdoor bathrooms of Indonesia, I created a design featuring a natural stone sink, wooden furniture, a wooden ceiling and indoor plants.

One of the biggest challenges within the project was, of course, designing within a space with sloped walls. Therefore, the furniture to be mounted on the surfaces was custom-made to fit seamlessly. By incorporating bespoke elements, I was able to optimize both functionality and aesthetics, ensuring a harmonious blend with the natural surroundings and the desired rustic theme.
Existing Bathroom Visuals
Bathroom Remodel


Bathroom Remodel
