MOVE HOME - visual identity


With HOVE-HOME, we aim to establish our winery as an international destination for white wine enthusiasts, starting with the homonymous region as our operational base. Besides creating a captivating label highlighting HOVE-HOME's rich winemaking heritage, we are also responsible for promoting the understanding and appreciation of white wine worldwide. Keeping HOVE-HOME at the forefront of innovation and tradition, while communicating our unique vision of white wine as an authentic expression of the region, is crucial. 

Overcoming cultural barriers and communicating in an accessible manner is at the core of our challenge, resulting in a launch strategy aimed not only at global expansion but also at enriching the palate and experience of every wine enthusiast we reach.

Design | Art Direction: Abdullah Samir
Design Direction: Lucid | Amir Samir
Follow us on instagram : @designer.visual1

Nossa identidade verbal e visual são essenciais para criar uma experiência envolvente e rica. A tipografia serifada no logotipo e a redução com a letra M em peso bold refletem o estilo e a elegância do vinho. Além disso, utilizamos tipografias serifadas para transmitir a tradição e a sofisticação da região de Piemonte. Complementando nossa identidade, o grafismo inspirado na silhueta da garrafa adiciona um toque distintivo e memorável. Nas peças de comunicação, as poesias, que celebram o prazer de tomar vinho e capturam a essência da região, acrescentam uma camada de profundidade e emotividade, convidando nossos clientes a se conectarem emocionalmente com a marca.

Our verbal and visual identities are essential to creating an engaging and rich experience. The serif font in the logo and the reduction with the letter M in bold weight reflect the style and elegance of the wine. Additionally, we use serif typefaces to convey the tradition and sophistication of the Move Home region. Complementing our identity, the graphic design inspired by the silhouette of the bottle adds a distinctive and memorable touch. In our communication pieces, the poems, which celebrate the pleasure of drinking wine and capture the essence of the region, add a layer of depth and emotion, inviting our customers to emotionally connect with the brand.

Obrigado | Thank You 

Service: Brand and Visual Identity - Deister Studio
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Strategy and Visual Direction: (Amir Sayem) Criativo e (Abdullah Samir) - Designer (Abdullah Samir) | 2024

MOVE HOME - visual identity

MOVE HOME - visual identity

@logo @logo design @visual identity @branding logo design company logo design business logo design logo design ai logo design app name logo desig Rozwiń
