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Third Eye Surveillance : The Cosmic Watcher

Third Eye Surveillance : The Cosmic Watcher
Enter the Realm of Cosmic Consciousness ✨👁️
Behold, the enigmatic presence of the extraterrestrial being with a third eye, adorned in neon colors that dance across the cosmos. In its cosmic embrace, two shrooms emerge, symbolizing the journey of enlightenment and the expansion of consciousness.
This artwork is more than just a visual feast; it’s a portal to a trippy existential awakening, revered as a sacred honor in the extraterrestrial beings’ culture. Reality bends and twists, and limitations cease to exist in the presence of this cosmic being.
Through its third eye, the universal vessel of present mindful existence is revealed. It holds the key to unlocking the mysteries of the universe, transcending the programmed past and embracing the infinite possibilities of the now.
Let us heed the call to awaken our own third eye, seizing the reins of the present moment as it unfolds before us. For in the now, lies the essence of our existence, waiting to be explored and experienced in all its fleeting beauty.
Artist / Creator / Writer - Draven Royce Hendrickson
Third Eye Surveillance : The Cosmic Watcher


Third Eye Surveillance : The Cosmic Watcher

Embark on a journey through the cosmos with my latest digital artwork, “Cosmic Consciousness.” This piece invites viewers to explore the depths o Se mer
