Perfil de Juan David Álvarez LarreaPerfil de Isabella Menconi

Two Faces

Design and animation for the music video and cover art of our great friend, the rapper Libreaccion, and his single 'Two Faces', in which we aim to convey chaos and duality through asymmetric elements with different styles. The combination of these elements creates various compositions that enrich the narrative of the video, enhanced with bursts of RGB neon colors to add visual impact. Additionally, we connect the ideas through symbolic elements that help to better visualize the story the artist wants to express.

Artist: Libreaccion
Producer: Jarubeatmusic
Director: ISNT
Executive Production: Agostina Sicoli
Editing: ISNT
Design & Illustration: Juanda Álvarez
Motion Graphics: Isabella Menconi

Two Faces
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