Massar publishing Branding ​​​​​​​
I recently completed a branding project for a publishing house called "Massar" . Massar Publishing represents the path that every reader takes on their journey of exploration, and this concept served as the foundation for the logo design. Drawing inspiration from the name itself, I incorporated the shape of the letters into the typography of the logo, creating a visual representation of "Massar." The logo embodies the idea that Masar Publishing is the guiding path for all avid readers.
By utilizing a simple and concise style, the logo captures the essence of the brand and appeals to a wide audience. It symbolizes the accessibility and inclusivity of Masar Publishing, inviting both seasoned readers and newcomers to embark on their literary adventures.
Through this branding project, I aimed to create a visual identity that not only reflected the spirit of Masar Publishing but also inspired and engaged readers. It is my hope that this branding will encourage individuals to embrace the unique journey of reading, guided by Massar's diverse collection of books spanning various genres and subjects.
With each turn of the page, Massar Publishing continues to pave the way for readers worldwide, inviting them to discover, learn, and grow.
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Massar Publishing represents the path that every reader takes on their journey of exploration, and this concept served as the foundation for the Ver mais

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