A series of posters united by the theme of creating and searching for own purpose
The idea of the first poster is that we create ourselves, "put together" ourselves from fragments, puzzles, which, although they seem chaotic, have their own meaning. 
Those puzzles on the above are our attempts to find something "ours" and only after trying them on ourselves will we realize what suits us, what is really ours. 
It's just like putting together  a puzzle - this is a visual parallel.
The second poster has the similar idea that we choose something for ourselves, looking for our own part. Here I wanted to convey this through handwriting. 
Here, it doesn't mean literally "handwriting", but rather your style, your manner of doing something. Just like in the first version, only after trying a lot of variants do we know what is really ours, in our "style". 
The signature is "writing my story".
Thank you for watching!
The author of the posters - Tetiana Hryban.
gmail - tanyahriban14@gmail.com
Poster design | You create you
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Poster design | You create you

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