Hennessy X NBA Launch Event

Hennessy X NBA Launch Event
Hennessy is a top global luxury liquor brand, with potential consumers in all age groups. To promote the V.S.O.P series, research showed a high overlap between the consumer profile and NBA fans. Therefore, a collaboration with the NBA was initiated with hopes to promote the product among the fan base. As the creative director for this project, I found that a love for street culture was a common lifestyle among the consumer groups of both brands. As a result, we combined graffiti, basketball, music, and art to create the Hennessy NBA Street Art Area, inviting consumers who love street culture to experience Hennessy's fashionable and unique street art.
In addition, international basketball star Allen Ezail Iverson was invited to the event, attracting tens of thousands of fans and becoming the most talked-about liquor event. Furthermore, Taipei's spherical building was transformed to resemble a Hennessy basketball, creating the world's largest basketball visual and setting an example for internal promotions at Hennessy.
法條依據來源〈 營業秘密法第2條 〉
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Hennessy X NBA Launch Event

Hennessy X NBA Launch Event
