The purpose of the project:
     To develop a mock-up of the school, to use to provide a better understanding and representation of the organization and location of classrooms in the school building

Project objectives:
     To create a layout using 3D modeling and a 3D printer with illuminated classrooms, in order to improve the understanding and efficiency of the use of educational facilities, to review the appearance and functionality, as well as to support decision-making and communication in the planning and development of school education

Stages of work on the project:

      1. Requirements study and analysis, data collection and measurements
     1.1. Each educational organization has at least 2 buildings (kindergarten, school). Most often, these buildings have different layouts. So, let's say our school consists of several buildings that differ greatly in layout. With such construction of schools and other educational organizations, it can be difficult for many employees, children and their parents to navigate in a new space. When they come to another building of an educational organization, they will have to re-search for one or another office, which complicates movement and orientation in space and makes visiting and the impression of the organization worse and less comfortable.
     1.2. One of the problems that we encountered at the very beginning when collecting data to create a layout is the difficulty in finding drawings. To solve it, we decided to use the school evacuation plan instead of the drawings.
     1.3. The next step was to examine the existing data: examining the available drawings, plans and photographs of the school's classrooms to determine the available sources of information.

     2. Creating a 3D model
     2.1. The time has come to define methods and tools for collecting the necessary data. In the case of using 3D modeling and a printer, it was necessary to determine the software for creating a 3D model. The Blender 3D application was the best way to complete this task.
     2.2. To begin with, by adding an evacuation plan to the scene, the floor and main walls of the building were erected. The windows and doors of the premises were immediately taken into account in the model. Since the gym is located below ground level, it was decided to raise it to ground level. One of the ideas of our layout was to create a constructor so that each floor could be detached and attached back. For this purpose, fasteners were originally invented: bayonets were created on the lower floor, to which the higher floor was attached with holes. The resulting models of the 1st and 2nd floors were enough for a trial first printing (item 3, test №1).
     2.3. Having doubled the size of the model, we divided the floors in half so that the resulting parts could fit on the printer. In order for these parts to be connected, the recesses were cut out and fasteners were created separately connecting these parts in the places of the recesses. Fasteners were replaced with magnets and holes were added in the places where the wires lie. To create 3-5 floors, it was enough to duplicate the 2nd floor and make some changes to the models. The final stage of the simulation is the creation of a roof, which was divided into three parts and also sent to print.

     3. 3D model printing
     Test №1:
     Printers Ender-3 v2 were selected for printing. The first trial run of printing was carried out after the 3D model of the first floor was completed in order to assess the size, quality and printing time. The first print turned out to be quite good, quite fast, but with flaws:
     1. The dimensions of the resulting layout are too small
     2. The fasteners turned out to be not particularly beautiful and durable
     3. Considering the location of the wires, add holes for their wiring 
     4. We correct the remaining shortcomings

     Test №2:
     The second printing launch was made a day later. We doubled the size of the model, but the model of this size did not fit on the printer's printing field. It was decided to divide the school floor in half, additionally separating the gym and the corridor to it. In such sizes, the model could easily fit on the printer field. We were more than pleased with the result we received after this printing attempt.

      Test №3:
      The printing of the remaining models of all floors of the school was launched as soon as the 3D models were ready. Printing each half of the floors took from 22 to 24 hours, which is why we had to use several printers to meet shorter deadlines. After the floors were ready, only the printing of windows and roofs remained. The windows were printed with transparent plastic. The roof was initially divided into two parts, but as it turned out, it was still larger than the printer's field, which is why it had to be divided into three parts.

     4. Electronics and programming
     The electronic component was made using electronics and Arduino programming. The board on which the project works is Arduino uno. There were several options to make the cabinets illuminated, but in the end the light part is an address tape, which makes it much easier to program. A telegram bot was also made, with which you can press the cabinet number, change the backlight colors and set various backlight combinations.

Summing up, a 3D model was developed, printed and put into operation. Also, with this model, I participated in the conference "Engineers of the Future", made it to the finals, but unfortunately did not win. At the moment, the school decorates the office of the chief administrator of all buildings of the school.

the layout of the school
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the layout of the school

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