Perfil de Nikita Shylimov

PACKAGING DESIGN. Packaging for earphones

EARphone packaging design
for the PIXUS brand

PIXUS is a Ukrainian technology company that is rapidly developing and expanding its range of products. One of the new directions became wireless earphones, for which I developed the overall visual style of the packages and the design of each individual package.

Pixus packaging system
The challenge was to revitalize and rethink the packaging design system to create a single design for all future products. The main goal when developing the design was to establish a clear hierarchy of elements on the packaging and allow the eye to focus on the important thing which is product.

Uniform elements in the design
In order to unify all the packaging of the earphones, a general black color was chosen with a bright yellow element on the upper side of the packaging. This color solution was supposed to increase the visibility of the packaging of Pixus earphones on the light shelves.

For better communication of the headphone package with the potential buyer, one of the most important characteristics of the TWS earphones - the operating time of the headphones without recharging, was separately highlighted on the package. Also on the front side of the package there are icons with additional characteristics and unique characteristics of the earphones.

Some earphone packaging uses active and unique typography with the name of the earphone model. This solution allows you to expand the possibilities in design, and also allows to draw more attention of the client to the earphones.

On the back of the packaging of all headphones are listed the main characteristics of the given model. Also, on the reverse side, there are additional visualizations of the product and all the necessary information, including barcodes.

PACKAGING DESIGN. Packaging for earphones
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PACKAGING DESIGN. Packaging for earphones

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