Perfil de Jared Nickerson

Footwear Concept+Process V1

Wanted to show a simplified version of my footwear creation process including inspiration, one of my sketching processes, AI to proof out the concept, and finally colorways.
I enjoy this render style as well because it combines a more traditional render style with my cartoonish cel shaded style of illustration/graphic work.

Done 100% in illustrator except for the 4 AI concept renders.

I always try to take a more modular approach to my footwear design process. In fact often times when working with a team I'll flesh out all of my designs as vector in Illustrator and then work with the team to piece together midsole with upper and other elements like heel clips or lacing systems. I try to get the team invested in both the process and the final outcome by including them at key steps along the way.
Building something good as a team, there isn't anything quite like it.

Below is a very simplified version of how that process could look...

Footwear Concept+Process V1


Footwear Concept+Process V1
