Event Management | Logo & Visual Identity

[ project year: 2023 ]

DreamTeam is an Event Management and Creative Production company based in Yerevan. They are a dedicated team that excels in handling their customers’ organizational needs. The company derives its name from the iconic 1992 US basketball Olympic team, famously known as the Dream Team. Just like a basketball team, DreamTeam consists of five founding members, each playing a pivotal role in the team's progress. DreamTeam is synonymous with strength, support, fearlessness, and creativity.

The logo symbol of DreamTeam showcases a combination of five particles, representing the unity and mutual support of the founders. These particles symbolize movement and progress, while the negative space between them forms a star. This star pays tribute to the renowned 1992 US Basketball Dream Team, while also serving as a symbol for the company's expertise in organizing events, parties, sport tournaments and concerts.
The logo and brand style of DreamTeam are characterized by sharpness and boldness, leaving an impression of strength. The visual style incorporates patterns and graphic elements associated with vibrant lights and confetti, evoking an atmosphere of excitement and celebration.



DreamTeam is an Event Management and Creative Production company based in Yerevan. They are a dedicated team that excels in handling their custom 阅读更多内容
