Perfil de Alex Tarasiuk

Poelle | Rebranding | Men Accessories Atelier

Ukrainian brand of premium men's accessories. Pavlo, his brand, like us, is very particular about details, and accuracy and, most importantly, is not ready to compromise on quality. The Poelle brand is about modern classics, masculine values, and a love of style.

Everything you see and read is my direct manifestation. From designs to the meanings that the brand carries. The Poelle brand was founded in 2019. We are a young and ambitious project with a clear mission and goals. We position ourselves as a men's brand and strive to bring to the world the principles of courage, masculinity, style, aesthetics

— Pavlo Popko.
The brand's biggest challenge was too much diversity, which was reflected in the packaging design, social media style, and the need for a single line of the brand's visual style.

The main reason for rebranding is to change the brand’s direction and form a holistic image. Today, the brand specializes in men's accessories, support of men's values, and the lifestyle of classics in the style of Old Money. Previously, the brand produced both women's and men's accessories.


We updated the logo, added an elegant serif to it for the correct accent (including the proper accent when reading the name), and worked out the brand color and the principles of concise, stylish, and, most importantly, refined graphics for the brand.

We separated the logo from the mark and now work according to the canons of premium brands, where the mark is often used as an Easter egg to verify the authenticity of the product. We worked out not only the identity for the wearers, but also the rules for placing the sign or logo on the accessories themselves.

Already at the final stages of the Poélle project, they began to implement updated media (packaging, guarantees, tags, social networks, etc.). Poélle and I worked not only on the main media, but on individual small details, such as initials on the accessories. The rapid integration of updates helped to immediately systematize the visual style of the brand at all levels.

Refined style, maintained on all media and possible platforms. Easter eggs are embedded in the style to emphasize the importance of original Poélle products. Whether it's social media, packaging or just a business card, you'll always recognize the Poélle.

On the same level as Ralph Lauren, Hermes, Gucci
The style and quality of accessories of the Poelle brand are at the level of world brands - we checked it ourselves. Now the brand has a corresponding premium style on par with other brands, which forms the status and new values ​​around the Ukrainian brand of premium men's accessories. Accessories that do not know compromises.

Art Direction: Alex Tarasiuk
Photo & Video: Yaryna Popko

Poelle | Rebranding | Men Accessories Atelier
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Poelle | Rebranding | Men Accessories Atelier

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