Profiel van Adarsh Prakasan

Designers Hiring Web-App - UX Study

Designers Hiring Web-App - UX Study
Designer hiring app is basically as the name suggests, it is a hiring platform for designers. But the idea is to provide better designers to small firms and startups to get more marketing helps and to boost the opportunity for designers and to give them a bigger and wider exposure to the world.

For this project, we did User research, user study and feedback gaining from users as the part of UX Design process. 
UX Design Process
User Persona
A user persona is a fictional character created to represent a group of real users who share similar goals, needs, and behaviors when interacting with a product, service, or system. These personas are based on research and data gathered from actual users and are used by designers, marketers, and product developers to better understand their target audience. User personas typically include demographic information, goals, motivations, pain points, and behaviors relevant to the product or service being designed. They help teams empathize with users, make informed decisions, and tailor their offerings to better meet user needs.
User Journey Map
A user journey map is a visual representation of the steps a user takes to accomplish a specific task or goal while interacting with a product, service, or system. It provides a holistic view of the user's experience, from initial awareness through to post-interaction reflection. User journey maps typically include key touchpoints, such as research, decision-making, and usage phases, as well as emotional states, pain points, and opportunities for improvement. By mapping out the user's journey, teams can gain insights into the user's needs, behaviors, and pain points, enabling them to design more intuitive and seamless experiences.
Information Architecture
IA, or Information Architecture, in UX design refers to the organization and structure of information within a digital product or system to facilitate usability and findability. It involves designing the framework for how information is categorized, labeled, and interconnected to help users navigate and locate content effectively. Information architecture aims to create logical and intuitive pathways for users to access the information they need, reducing cognitive load and enhancing user experience. IA often involves activities such as content auditing, user research, card sorting, and the creation of sitemaps or navigation systems to ensure that the information is organized in a way that aligns with user needs and mental models.
User Flow Diagrams
User flow diagrams in UX design are visual representations that illustrate the paths users take as they interact with a digital product or service to accomplish specific tasks or goals. These diagrams map out the sequential steps users follow, including their actions, decisions, and potential pathways through the system. User flow diagrams typically include entry points, actions users can take, decision points, and exit points. They help designers understand the user journey, identify potential bottlenecks or points of confusion, and optimize the user experience. User flow diagrams are valuable tools for planning and communicating the intended user interactions and can inform decisions about interface design, navigation, and functionality.
Wireframe and Final Result
Designers Hiring Web-App - UX Study


Designers Hiring Web-App - UX Study

