EDC Clip  (card collector) . 2023

EDC,即Every Day Carry,涵盖了我们日常不可或缺的随身物品。EDC玩具作为其中的独特分支,不仅小巧便携,还兼具实用性和玩赏价值。这些玩具或许不直接关联于生存技能或应急准备,但它们无疑能为我们的生活带来乐趣与便利,更重要的是,它们承载着解压与放松的功能。EDC玩具既可以作为实用工具,也能作为纯粹的解压赏玩之物。

EDC, short for Every Day Carry, encompasses the essential items we carry with us daily. Among them, EDC toys stand out as a unique subcategory, combining portability, practicality, and aesthetic value. While these toys may not directly relate to survival skills or emergency preparedness, they undoubtedly add joy and convenience to our lives. More importantly, they serve the function of decompression and relaxation. EDC toys can be both practical tools and purely entertaining items for stress relief.


This time, for the purpose of enhancing the experience of carrying a cardholder, we have designed a new EDC toy attribute that aims to preserve its inherent practicality while injecting more fun. Instead of simply combining traditional EDC toy elements with a cardholder, we have cleverly optimized and innovated on the original functions of the cardholder, creating a user experience that is both convenient, practical, and filled with joy.

CLIP CLOP EDC Clip其双面设计是最大亮点。正反两面是两种截然不同的风格,可随出行穿搭轻松切换。

The dual-sided design of the CLIP CLOP EDC Clip is its most significant feature. The front and back faces exhibit two distinct styles, allowing for effortless switching based on your outfit for any occasion.

CLIP CLOP EDC Clip巧妙组合5块形状各异的板块,借由弹力带和内置的强磁铁紧密固定,轻松实现双面风格的便捷切换,既方便又极具趣味性。

The CLIP CLOP EDC Clip brilliantly combines five uniquely shaped plates, securely fastened by elastic bands and powerful built-in magnets. This allows for convenient switching between dual styles with ease, making it both convenient and immensely fun.

在EDC玩具中,磁力扮演着至关重要的角色。CLIP CLOP EDC Clip巧妙地将强磁铁的磁力与弹力带的回弹力相结合,无论是开合还是前后拖动的复位动作,都充满了趣味性和互动性

In the world of EDC toys, magnetism plays a pivotal role. The CLIP CLOP EDC Clip ingeniously combines the magnetic force of strong magnets with the resilience of elastic bands, making both the opening/closing mechanism and the reset action from front to back highly engaging and interactive.

在CLIP CLOP EDC Clip展开时,弹力带会巧妙地自动缩回并隐匿于产品内部。

When the CLIP CLOP EDC Clip is unfolded, the elastic bands seamlessly retract and hide within the interior of the product, creating a sleek and compact design.

CLIP CLOP EDC Clip最多可存放10张卡片。然而,为了充分发挥其弹力和磁力的优势,建议存放6张以内的卡片。这款EDC Clip提供了两种取卡方式,首卡快速取卡与多卡选卡方式,使您能够根据自己的使用习惯灵活选择。通过合理排列卡片顺序,您可以获得更加便捷和高效的使用体验。

The CLIP CLOP EDC Clip boasts a capacity to store up to 10 cards. However, to maximize its elastic and magnetic properties, it is recommended to store 6 or fewer cards. This EDC Clip offers two card retrieval options: quick access for the first card and a selection method for multiple cards, allowing you to choose flexibly based on your usage habits. By arranging your cards in an optimal order, you can enjoy a more convenient and efficient user experience.


When opening the CLIP CLOP EDC Clip to retrieve a card, all it takes is a gentle push. Once a certain distance is reached, the magnetic force naturally releases, and the powerful resilience of the elastic band quickly springs the lid open, providing a smooth and convenient card retrieval experience.

CLIP CLOP EDC Clip配备了两套纸币夹和螺丝刀,为用户提供了更多个性化的选择。您可以根据自己的喜好和需求,自由选择安装这些配件

The CLIP CLOP EDC Clip comes equipped with two sets of note clips and a screwdriver, offering users more personalized options. You can freely choose to install these accessories based on your preferences and needs.

CLIP CLOP EDC Clip以展开状态进行包装,这一设计能够有效地保护弹力带,延长其使用寿命。

The CLIP CLOP EDC Clip is packaged in its unfolded state, a design choice that effectively protects the elastic bands and extends their lifespan.




EDC Clip

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EDC Clip
