Profil użytkownika „Katie Leith”

TZFM Spring 2024 Week 6 Interpretation and storytelling

The first image is one I took at a recent protest against the covid 19 vaccination where I was able to capture a fight between two individuals on opposing sides. I believe the image is quite one sided as it shows an intense look between the two people and perhaps the anger which both subjects captured. What isn't shown in this final product image is that on the right hand side there were two people with differing views having a civilised conversation. I've manipulated the image to show that most people result in anger, frustration and violence when it comes to disagreeing but that isn't actually the case. If I had shown the other people in the background it may have made a more compelling image but also distracted from what the main focus of the whole event was on. 
The second image is one of a graffitied wall in the city. The graffiti suggests the building is unkept or deserted when in turn it was actually the back of a prestigious government building which is used by hundreds of people every day. I chose to completely image the rest of the building or the others that surrounded it which were built up and modern. In doing this i've changed the way the viewer perceives this image. If i included these other elements the purpose of the photo would have been completely different and not what i intended at all.
TZFM Spring 2024 Week 6 Interpretation and storytelling


TZFM Spring 2024 Week 6 Interpretation and storytelling

