Parker Williamss profil

Nekked Bear Army: Art Blog Logo and Web Design

Nekked Bear Army (Communal Art Blog)
Logo, Social Media, and Web Design
From 2009–2014, some friends and I contributed to a collective art blog dubbed Nekked Bear Army. I took it upon myself to design not only our logotype, but also maintain the webdesign, and overarching design for the social media presence on Facebook. The site still exists as a sort of archive, but the webdesign broke at some point, and I've yet to find the time or inclination to dig into the code and fix it, restoring it beyond its currently serviceable-at-best state.

Beyond the logotypes, further below you'll find screenshots of roughly what the site looked like in its heyday, as well as examples of the social media elements.

Phase 1
First logo, variation 1.
(Logotype modified from Octin Stencil. Subheading set in Octin Spraypaint.)
First logo, variation 2.
(Logotype modified from Octin Stencil. Subheading set in Octin Spraypaint.)
First logo, variation 3.
(Logotype modified from Octin Stencil. Subheading set in Octin Spraypaint.)
Facebook Page vertical banner avatars (2010–2012: v1.0, 2nd Anniversary, Christmas, and v1.5), before Facebook introduced their Timeline layout design.
(“Censored-bear” illustration design by Nekked Bear Army member and co-founder, Alex Tingey.)
Facebook Page avatar and Cover Photo banner (2012–2013).
(“Censored-bear” illustration design by Nekked Bear Army member and co-founder, Alex Tingey.)

Phase 2
Facebook Page avatar and Cover Photo banner, featuring moderately revamped logo 2.0 (2013–Present).
(“Censored-bear” illustration design by Nekked Bear Army member and co-founder, Alex Tingey.)
Favicons, v.1.0 and 2.0. blog design, v.2.0 (2013).
For both version 1.0 and 2.0, when the page was refreshed, the header banner at the top would randomize through 20+ different banner images, featuring segments of artwork by the Nekked Bear Army blog members. (Banner artwork in that screenshot by Alex Tingey.)
Initial brainstorm sketch of the "Star-Paw" glyph.
Nekked Bear Army: Art Blog Logo and Web Design


Nekked Bear Army: Art Blog Logo and Web Design
