Henkilön Alison Warren profiili

week 8- lights and portraits

lighting and portraits-
image 1: I took a photo of my sister and dog at my parents house, i wanted to capture the natural sunlight coming through the window which you can see shining over her head and blankets. I wanted a homely picture something that was soft. 
image 2: is of my partner at the gold coast, when i first started using my camera I was all about the flash now as i learn more I try to use no flash and instead play around with lighting to be able to capture a clear image
during class we had the opportunity to play around with lighting gear- I captured these two images of group member darcy trying to get a half light and shadow look on his face.
another two images I captured during class when playing around with the lighting equipment- using a red board to enhance the lighting to give it a warm vibe to it.
capturing shadows- also taken in class playing with the lighting equipment on the far side i was able to capture an image of a class mate with light on one side and a nice shadow that flowed on the wall behind her.
ceiling light- while playing around with lighting in class- I asked lochie to sit under the over head light and look up at it. I managed to capture this image which i find interesting on how the lighting works its way around humans and objects and enhances certain features and shadow marks on the face.
I put it into a black and white edit as well as adding a 1/2 boost and fade to give it an modern and edgy feel. 
Tiger mouth- I was given an excellent opportunity when visiting dreamworld for my 21st while getting photos with their 14year old male tiger the handlers gave me the option to also take my own photographs of the beautiful big cat- I was able to capture him drinking some milk- with a fast shutter you are also able to see the milk dripping to his tongue
week 8- lights and portraits

week 8- lights and portraits

portraits and lighting
