Profil von Anna Matheson

Digital Collages - College Project

Digital Collages - College Projects
Aberdeen Collage

After taking photos from around where we live, we were tasked with creating a digital collage in Adobe Photoshop. 

I live in the city centre which lent itself towards a busy collage. For the sky, I used some half torn down posters, from which I made a paintbrush to fill in the gaps with a similar texture in colours more similar to sky. I lightened the posters so they blend into the painted sky and create contrast from the foreground with the images still being visible. 

I really enjoy looking at the chimneys around my flat, so heavily featured these as silhouettes, and added some other city imagery, such as the crane and spire. I included a boat from the harbour placed in the middle of the road as my focal point. The boat is brightly coloured with a white outline which helps it to stand out as the focal point. I created some symmetry around the boat with different building and an electrical station,  which leads the eye towards the focal point. The constant roadworks in Aberdeen are referenced by the traffic cones in front of the boat.
Selfie Collage
It's me! This task involved using a selfie and other images which were given to us to create a digital collage in Adobe Photoshop. I used various methods to frame the focal point and create an interesting collage.
Digital Collages - College Project


Digital Collages - College Project
