Weekly Game Night
Friend Group Event/Personal Project
My friends and I have a weekly, in-person board (and sometimes video) game night. During the COVID-19 Pandemic, that was obviously a no-go, but we managed to maintain what we could of a semblance of the weekly get-together by playing games
on BoardGameArena and speaking over Discord. When trials for the COVID vaccine began being spoken of and going into trials in early 2021, I got the idea to not only create a logo for our Facebook group (and group-chat) dedicated to Weekly Game Night, but to also create an announcement trailer for its eventual return to being in-person once we were all safely vaccinated.

In February of 2021, I got as far as editing the chosen song down to 60 minutes, so I could listen to it and brainstorm what kinds of visuals and timings I'd put to it. And… that's as far as I got—the edited song, and the internal brainstorm.

Fast-forward to May of 2021, when my brother announces in the group-chat that we should all get back together in 2½ weeks. So… what follows this introduction is culmination of my mad dash over two weeks to design a logo, re-familiarize myself with Adobe Premiere Pro, give myself a crash-course in After Effects, create all the animated graphic for the video, film all the footage, stitch together all the special effects shots, and combine it all together and render it in time to post it to my wider social media four days before the event! (And a bonus 30-second announcement trailer for the return of our Sunday movie nights to boot!)
Video Production and Motion Graphics
"Weekly Game Night Returns" announcement trailer.
Fun fact: The game boards flipping in the closing effects shots in the above trailer were nine separate shots stitched together, achieved with patience and good old fashion fishing line tricks.
"Sunday Movie Night Returns" announcement trailer.
Logo Design and Vector Illustrations
Primary logo.
Secondary logo.
Custom vector icon illustration details.
Experiments with monotone variants for later design use.
Facebook Group banner graphic.
Facebook Event invitation banner.
The neon/light-up signage variants of each logo, as seen in the trailer videos.
Brainstorm sketches.
Scan of initial process sketch.
Weekly Game Night


Weekly Game Night
