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Depot Grille: Advertisement Campaign

The Depot Grille is a steak and seafood restaurant located in Lynchburg, Virginia and I was tasked with updating the business’ identity and creating an ad campaign. The two main goals of this campaign and branding update were to encourage young businessmen and women to dine at the Depot Grille, and to emphasis the unique environment the business has with its history with the railroad. In order to do this, three billboards were created (hosting inspirational “railroad themed” quotes) which will encourage young workers as they enter into stressful days, the logo was revitalized to provide a more professional and business vibe, and overall unity was formed with the color palette and typefaces. The case study outlining this project can be found here.

Primary & Secondary Logo
Both the primary and secondary logo were created in the circle style in honor of the circular look on the front of a train. They display enough information for new customers to immediately connect back to the restaurant, as well as having a very business-focused look while also keeping in touch with the rugged railroad aesthetic. The two typefaces work well off of each other as one brings in the sleekness of professional work while the other emphasizes the ruggedness of the Depot Grille. 

Campaign Reasoning & Placement
Billboards work extremely well for smaller business, like the Depot Grille, because they do not require the business to seek out customers; the location does that for them. Because of this I feel that it this was the best choice for advertising the Depot Grille as well as getting the encouraging messages out to as many young people as possible. As for the actual message what better way to advertise that to show a personal connection with your audience by offering them encouragement and great food.

Depot Grille: Advertisement Campaign

Depot Grille: Advertisement Campaign
