Henkilön Isaac Christophe profiili

Addiction Therapist - Isaac Christophe

Addiction Therapist 
Addiction Therapist is an app that allows someone to talk to a counselor about their drug addiction. This app is intended for people who are struggling with drug addiction. The goal of the project is to provide drug addicts with an app where they can easily talk to counselors without paying for a therapist section or feeling that they are not convinced enough to move away from drugs. 
Research Summary:
I researched 10 items related to drug addiction, asked 3 people advice on preventing drug addiction, and made multiple sketches from this topic. This informed me that while drugs affect the person's brain, there are people out there waiting to help them with their addiction. What was revealed in peer testing and user testing was into an application called Addiction Therapist, which does that, along with researching drug types.      
Process Sketches
Flow Chart
Low Fidelity Prototype
Medium Fidelity
High Fidelity
Summary of Changes:
Changes made to this site included improved formatting (icons, menus, assets, etc. fits to 8 point grid), better navigation (settings page to any page), Renamed counselors to not make them related to any fictional characters in media (Leon K. to Leon S., M. Jordan to K. Jorgan, and Peter G. to Pater G.), Smooth menus, and a login screen. The login screen was added in the Medium and High Fidelity to match with the flow of starting to the welcome screen while making more sense if the person wants to logout from the settings menu.
Addiction Therapist - Isaac Christophe

Addiction Therapist - Isaac Christophe
