Callie Dunkel sin profil

ASU Online RFI Redesign Hackathon

As a UX design intern at EdPlus, I was able to contribute to a design hackathon. This specific hackathon aimed to ideate new design concepts for the current request for information form (RFI) on ASU's website. Based on user feedback, the current design was described as "overly sales-y, lack of clarity, confused about the feature, and desire for personalization and relevance". 

Based on this, I conducted some competitive research to see how other organizations create RFI forms and ideated ways to improve ours. I also wanted to target the main user pain points that were mentioned above. I was given one day to brainstorm and ideate creative solutions to this problem.

Below are my 3 redesigns that I came up with for this design challenge.

My goal with each design was to make it feel more personal to the prospective student, focus more on the potential students' goals, and make it more engaging. To make it feel more personal and less "sales-y" I restructured the flow on what questions were asked and led with prospective students' interests first and then the follow-up contact information. I also updated some of the text content so that it felt more friendly, encouraging and personal to the students' goals. I also had to keep certain criteria for the RFI information while redesigning such as name, email, phone number, program, and military Y/N. All other information was optional.
Current RFI form being used on ASU Online website pt. 1 of 2.
Current RFI form being used on ASU Online website pt. 2 of 2.
Below are the redesign examples I made to improve the user experience.
Redesign 1
Redesign 2
Redesign 3
ASU Online RFI Redesign Hackathon

ASU Online RFI Redesign Hackathon



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