Profil użytkownika „Nada Elfarsi”

Melissa ( Medical cosmetics Brand ) in Türkiye

Turkish Cosmetics Brand
All products are derived from the medicinal herb (Melissa flower).
Lemon balm, It should be noted that the name Melissa is incorrectly given in the Arab world to the Libyan tree (in Latin: Lippia citriodora), which is a completely different plant.
Small white flowers filled with nectar appear on the plant that attract bees, and hence the name of the genus in this plant (in Greek: Melissa) comes from (Greek, meaning 'honey bee').

The Colors of the flowers were chosen to be the colors of the brand, taking into account a slightly watery color (an indication) of the use of Hyaluronic Acid in 90% of the products to always soothe and soothe the skin and make its texture plump.

Melissa ( Medical cosmetics Brand ) in Türkiye

Melissa ( Medical cosmetics Brand ) in Türkiye
