Goody is the personification of sweetness and generosity. Like a friendly spirit, it transforms ordinary moments into memorable experiences, offering brownies not only as desserts but as affectionate gifts that nourish the soul.

Concept & Message

At the pulsating heart of our "Goody" logo lies a unique narrative, a tale that intertwines folklore tradition with the sweetness of our beloved brownie. At the core of the design, our charismatic brownie, more than a folklore figure, is a messenger of joy. It embodies the essence of gift-giving, a generous spirit that, like the brownies from folklore, captivates and presents. Its story intertwines with the tradition of offering treats in exchange for smiles and shared moments. 

The bold and intimate typography that complements our mascot is more than words; it is a tender whisper, an invitation to come closer and enjoy the sweetness we offer. Each letter is a link in the narrative, highlighting not only the brand but also the warmth that accompanies every piece of brownie.

The choice to incorporate the folklore brownie is not just aesthetic; it is a tribute to the tradition of being a giver, of being the one who brings joy to homes. Our folklore figure is not just an illustration but a symbol of the act of gifting, an ancient tradition that comes to life with every brownie we deliver. 

The visual identity is a memorable experience. Every detail, from the expression of the brownie to the chosen typography, is an invitation to create affectionate memories. We want our logo to be more than just recognizable; we want it to evoke emotions, pleasant memories, and the feeling of receiving a special gift. Thus, the "Goody" logo is a masterpiece that goes beyond the obvious. It is a celebration of tradition, sweetness, and the act of giving. 

A brand that not only delivers delicious brownies but also carries with it the promise of unforgettable moments, wrapped in affection and flavor :)

Goody Brownie Brand Identity


Goody Brownie Brand Identity
