Chhavi Dhingra profili

Day 01/30 - Website redesign: Zenith Yoga Studio

Day 01 / 30 
This website for Zenith Yoga Studio is a conceptual redesign of a website of a local yoga studio! I decided to have a similar structure of the website!
The content for this redesign is AI generated. The following was the brief prompt generated by ChatGPT.

Zenith Yoga Studio

Vibe/Design Style:
Minimalistic and serene

Attract new clients and showcase class schedules

Accent color: #8BC34A (Green),
Font: Poppins
Let me know if you have a website you need redesigned! 
I would love to collaborate and create amazing websites!
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Day 01/30 - Website redesign: Zenith Yoga Studio
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Day 01/30 - Website redesign: Zenith Yoga Studio

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