Perfil de Shaheer Kashif

Client's LinkedIn Banner Design

Get ready to transform your LinkedIn Profile! Dive into Latest Banner Design i did for a client, and in the process I learned the following things.

- The prime real estate for your LinkedIn banner is actually the right side. This is because LinkedIn profile pictures overlap the banner on the left side on desktop, and can sometimes cut off text important information there.

- Color scheme of the banner should be professional that aligns with your profile picture and overall brand identity.

- A clear and concise message that highlights you, What are you known for?

- If you have a specific action you'd like viewers to take, like visiting your website or connecting with you, include a clear and concise call to action.

Are you looking for a banner for your brand? DM me and let's make banner designs that stand out!

Client's LinkedIn Banner Design


Client's LinkedIn Banner Design



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