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Revitalise Your Hair With Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy

Revitalise Your Hair With Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP) | Dermasure Clinic
Thinning hair, excessive hair loss, poor hair density or other hair related issues are encountered by many people. While these could potentially point to many factors such as a stressful lifestyle, poor diet or genetics, they can be effectively controlled under the supervision of a certified skin and hair specialist.

When it comes to hair, dermatologists know what’s best. Hair isn’t just a part of your body, but a significant aspect that contributes to your body’s aesthetics. If having healthy locks of luscious, thriving hair is what you want to achieve, we’ll help you get there.

Platelet rich plasma therapy for hair loss (PRP) is a highly sought-after treatment that harnesses the regenerative power of your own blood to stimulate tissue regeneration and repair.

At Dermasure, we provide PRP treatment to reverse hair loss and promote healthy hair growth. This treatment pays off with its immaculate results such as noticeable improvement in hair thickness and density, reduction in hair shedding and breakage, and the most important of them all, restoration of your confidence and self-esteem.
Revitalise Your Hair With Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy

Revitalise Your Hair With Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy

