Perfil de Shahid Ahmed ChowdhuryPerfil de MixVect .

Social Media | Advertising | Banner Design

A Project For Freelanner
Freelaneer is an upcoming game-changing freelancing platform that acts as a marketplace connecting freelancers and employers for collaborative projects. 

The platform covers a diverse range of job categories such as programming, graphic design, writing, marketing, and engineering, among others. Here's how it works: Employers post projects with specific requirements, and freelancers bid on these projects, presenting their skills, expertise, and proposed rates. This bidding system fosters negotiation, ensuring both parties find the best fit for the job. 

For freelancers, provides a platform to showcase their skills, build portfolios, and establish credibility in their field. Through client reviews and ratings, freelancers can demonstrate their reliability and quality of work, ultimately leading to more opportunities and higher earnings.

Let me know how is that. 
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WhatsApp- +8801779033357

Social Media | Advertising | Banner Design

Social Media | Advertising | Banner Design

social media, Social media post, Advertising, banner, poster, ads, design, Instagram Post, campaign, marketing,
