Profil użytkownika „Emon Miah”

kammerchor, logo /visual identity/ Music Logo /Branding


The chamber choir Elikuren eV has a long history and has become a prominent presence in Wunstorf and beyond under the direction of Christiane Kampe. 

Through charity concerts and other activities, they have helped support important social projects, such as the construction of a maternity ward in Ghana. 

Their repertoire includes performances not only in Germany but also internationally, and in 2024 they plan to bring their talents to Como, Italy to share their passion for choral music, musicals and operas and to promote cultural exchange.

Industry : Visual Identity   —   Year: 2024   —   Creative Direction : Emon Miah
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kammerchor, logo /visual identity/ Music Logo /Branding


kammerchor, logo /visual identity/ Music Logo /Branding

The chamber choir Elikuren eV has a long history and has become a prominent presence in Wunstorf and beyond under the direction of Christiane Kam Rozwiń
