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Emo Amplifier, Vinda Jukebox

CHALLENGE On the biggest online sale day 12.12, there are loads of cool stuff on great offer waiting to be added to cart. Can something as boring as tissue paper stand out?
IDEA Music amplifies emotions. When you feel the music more, you’ll either break into tears, or break into a groove. Either way, you’ll use more tissue. So we turned the outer packaging of the Vinda Deluxe tissue multipack into a tissue box that doubles up as a mobile phone amplifier. Made with 100% corrugated fiberboard, it amplifies music from any mobile. And dispenses tissue to wipe off any emotional discharge.
RESULT 329% VALUE GROWTH versus same quarter last year. The Emo-Amplifier caught the attention of shoppers. And led to Vinda tissue’s most successful 12.12 outing ever.
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Creative Director: Chee Wee Choo, Donevan Chew
Business Director: Li Li Pang
Designer: Wai Yi Kong, Wei Xing Phon, Cecilia
Illustrator: Hoo
Content Studio: Wizard Photography & Graph Studio
Emo Amplifier, Vinda Jukebox
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Emo Amplifier, Vinda Jukebox

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