Ishita Js profil

ALE | Ad Campaign by Inverse Finance

Project Title: ALE (Accelerated Leverage Engine)
Client: Inverse Finance
Role: Motion Graphics Designer

Project Brief-
The campaign introduces the Accelerated Leverage Engine on FiRM, a tool designed to allow users to quickly and safely amplify their returns through fixed-rate borrowing, even with high leverage. The feature targets experienced investors familiar with the risks of leveraging but attracted to the potential of significantly higher yields.

Creative Strategy

Objective was to communicate the power and efficiency of ALE to sophisticated investors while acknowledging the risks involved.

Target Audience are experienced DeFi users and investors looking for advanced financial tools to maximize returns.

By incorporating imagery of mechanical​​​​​​​ gears and digital interfaces, I aimed to visually represent the complex technology behind ALE. This imagery serves to communicate the idea of seamless integration of technology in finance.

Visual theme of the overall campaign is inspired by high-speed motor racing and futuristic machinery, the visuals are metaphors of speed and control to illustrate the power and precision of ALE.


Motorcycles and speeding vehicles are metaphors for high-speed and high-performance capabilities, mirroring the swift execution and robust functionality of ALE.

Dynamic elements like Motion Blur and Light Streaks are used to suggest speed and efficiency of ALE. They visually express the capability to perform swiftly and handle transactions smoothly, even in a fast-paced financial environment.

Predominance of Deep Purples and Blues

I chose these colors because they are often associated with depth, stability, and creativity. The purple evokes a sense of the innovative nature of our technology, while the blue reinforces the reliability and security that are critical in the financial sector.

Use of Space and Lighting

Dark backgrounds with Neon highlights creates a visually striking contrast.

Focused light sources are used strategically to illuminate key messages and central elements, ensuring they catch the viewer’s eye immediately. This technique not only focuses attention but also enhances the visibility and impact of the textual content.

ALE | Ad Campaign by Inverse Finance


ALE | Ad Campaign by Inverse Finance
