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Body and Mind:Rolfing Therapy and Deep Tissue Massage

Harmonizing Body and Mind: The Power of Rolfing Therapy and Deep Tissue Massage
In the bustling streets of Brooklyn, where stress and tension often take center stage, a sanctuary exists for those seeking holistic healing and relaxation. A wellness center specializing in Rolfing therapy, deep tissue massage, and structural integration, invites you to experience transformative sessions beyond physical touch. Let’s delve into the world of Rolfing therapy, explore the benefits of deep tissue massage.
What Is Rolfing?

Rolfing, also known as Structural Integration, is a holistic system of manual therapy that aims to organize our body’s structure, improve function, and re-establish our relationship with the vertical axis. Developed by Dr. Ida P. Rolf, this deep hands-on technique focuses on fascial manipulation. Unlike traditional massage, Rolfing therapists place their hands strategically on areas of tension, encouraging movement and release. The goal? To allow the body to engage in its healing process.

The Dance of Assessment, Release, and Integration

During a Rolfing session at Centre, the process resembles a dance. Here’s how it unfolds:

1. Assessment: Your therapist listens to your story, discusses session goals, and performs assessments. These pre-tests guide the session.

2. Release: Layer by layer, tension dissipates as the fascia responds to skilled touch. The body begins to realign.

3. Integration: Movement becomes key. Walking or post-tests ensure the right path is followed, leading to lasting results.

4. Grounding: Each session concludes by calming the nervous system and grounding the body.

Wearing Comfortably

For Rolfing sessions, wear underwear or non-restrictive tops and shorts. Movement is essential, so choose clothing that allows ease of motion.

Deep Tissue Massage: Unraveling Tension

The Power of Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage Brooklyn targets the deeper layers of muscles and connective tissues. It’s not just about relaxation; it’s about addressing chronic pain, muscle knots, and tension. At AttuneWell, our therapists use various techniques, including trigger point therapy, myofascial release, and passive joint work.

Why Choose Deep Tissue Massage?

·Pain Relief: Whether recovering from an injury or chronic pain, deep tissue massage can relieve relief.

·Improved Mobility: By releasing muscle knots and adhesions, you regain flexibility and ease of movement.

·Stress Reduction: The therapeutic touch soothes the body and mind, promoting overall well-being.

AttuneWell: Where Healing Converges

Holistic Integration

AttuneWell bridges the gap between Rolfing therapy and deep tissue massage. Here’s how:

1. Structural Techniques: Our therapists blend Rolfing principles with other modalities, creating a comprehensive approach.

2. Neurovascular Techniques: We create space within the body, allowing it to heal and align.

3. Listening to You: Your story matters. Our therapists listen, support, and guide you on your wellness journey.


AttuneWell isn’t just a wellness center; it’s a haven for transformation. Whether you seek Rolfing therapy, deep tissue massage, or both, we invites you to align your body, mind, and movement. Remember the brand name—AttuneWell—for a holistic approach to your well-being.
Body and Mind:Rolfing Therapy and Deep Tissue Massage


Body and Mind:Rolfing Therapy and Deep Tissue Massage


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