Profiel van Rajasehar Balasubramaniam

Website for 250 : 150 American Colorado Celebration

Problem Statement - Exemplifi Assignment

We would like you to create a "About Us" page design. Please utilize Figma for this task and share the link with us for review and feedback. Additionally, if you could
provide an explanation of the pros and cons of one design over the other, it would be highly appreciated. This analysis will help us make an informed decision.

Here are additional detailed notes about the elements on the "About Us" page:

- Explain about the 250-150 Initiative: Provide a clear and concise explanation of the
250-150 Initiative, highlighting its purpose, significance, and key objectives.

- "Signature" Initiatives: The Commission is organizing several "Signature" initiatives. Each
initiative should have a title, a descriptive text, multiple images, and associated links.
These initiatives should be showcased prominently on the page.

- Call-to-Actions (CTAs): Include several Call-to-Actions throughout the page to encourage
user engagement and interaction. The specific CTAs can be determined based on the
desired actions or goals for the visitors.

- Commissioners: There are 15 Commissioners on the Board, each with their name, image,and a bio of approximately 200-300 words. Display these bios in a visually appealing and easily readable format.

- Advisory Panel Members: There are approximately 30 Advisory Panel members, who
hold a lesser role than the Commissioners. They can be listed with their names, but with
less emphasis compared to the Commissioners.

- News Updates: Showcase a regular stream of news articles related to the 250-150
Initiative, providing links to the original news sources for users to access additional

- Staff Members: Display the three staff members who are responsible for managing the
entire operation. Include their names, positions, and possibly their images to add a
personal touch.

- Commission Meetings: Display a schedule of dates for the Commission meetings to
inform users about upcoming sessions. Additionally, provide access to previous meeting
minutes, allowing visitors to review past discussions and decisions.

By incorporating these elements, the "About Us" page can provide comprehensive information about the 250-150 Initiative, highlight key individuals and their roles, share news updates, and provide access to important meeting-related information.
Website for 250 : 150 American Colorado Celebration


Website for 250 : 150 American Colorado Celebration


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