Editorial Project
I was challenged with creating an illustration that depicts an article. My article, "Documentary Follows Pastor's Harrowing Rescue Missions Out of North Korea", came from Christianity Today with the purpose of enlightening the world about the realities of the conditions in North Korea. The article is serious and somber in tone and content, so I wanted my illustration to reflect that.
I decided to portray the controlling nature of North Korea as a puppeteer's hand. The robot, ordered and controlled by nature, signifies a defector, attempting to escape the hold of the country. Once free from the restraints of the country, the defector has the choice to become their own individual, to have the pleasure that most humans have: freedom. The documentary the article describes, aims to enlighten the world about the brutal regime through the film. This enlightening is displayed through the white background shining specifically on the robot that is in the process of becoming human.

