This Giotto fresco provided the foundation for the visual essence of our project. Notably, the image portrays a congregation of individuals within a space delineated by a towering wall. Beyond this barrier, prominent landmarks loom, distinguishing between interior and exterior realms. The stark juxtaposition between the bustling human activity within and the anonymity of the external world is evident.
1. Inside - Outside
An intriguing initial dichotomy emerges—the contrast between inside and outside. Externally, the composition presents an enclosed space, characterized by towers protruding from a solid wall, hinting at the mysteries concealed within.
Initially, the focus lies on the notion of a landmark—a concept that shapes the external perception of this architectural endeavor. Subsequently, attention shifts inward, delving into the experiential dimensions of the defined space.
A first attempt to create an image of our project by this collage. It shows a constellation of towers within a defined, walled space. Within a mix of colourful greenery rise up high. The towers suggest to enlighten.
This image offers an initial glimpse of our project's exterior. The wall reminiscent of a fortress is structured in a square blueprint, featuring openings at the center of each side. Additionally, the image highlights a material juxtaposition between the robust thickness of the wall and the ethereal quality of the towers within.
In a similar fashion, this image shows a first glimpse of our projects interior. 
2. Design of the tower units and their floor plan Composition 
Our concept aimed to accentuate the contrast between external perception and internal activity: a dual-layered approach featuring a solid, imposing wall enclosing the space, with delicately constructed towers rising above, visually hinting at the vibrant activity within this green enclave. These translucent towers, resembling greenhouses, would harness sunlight and capture rainwater to nurture vegetable growth. Additionally, our exploration delved into the practical aspects, such as determining optimal vegetable varieties for cultivation, scheduling planting cycles, and implementing crop rotation within this architectural framework.
This model depicts our quest for the ideal arrangement of towers, green spaces on the ground level, and pathways connecting the entrances of the surrounding space with those of the towers.
At this stage, we immerse ourselves in the intricate design of each tower unit. Technically, our design comprises platforms suspended from a central core by smaller steel columns. These columns transfer pull forces to the central core, which in turn exerts a push force, effectively cancelling each other out and distributing the weight to the ground.
A more detailed model below showcases the illuminated tower unit at night, which creates a visually striking effect by projecting the interior scenes of people and plants onto the screens. This amplifies our initial intention for the towers to serve as a landmark for external observers, arousing curiosity among passersby and offering a tantalizing glimpse of the interior.
3. Final images
We created two final images to highlight two distinct contrasts: interior versus exterior, and day versus night. During the night, the perception of the exterior is accentuated by the illumination of the lampions, creating a mesmerizing spectacle akin to a magical screen. It transforms the architecture into a landmark, inviting observers to gaze upon it, resembling a cinematic experience. Conversely, during the day, natural light fosters the growth of plants, turning the architecture into a sanctuary amidst urban chaos. It provides urban dwellers with the opportunity to unwind or work within this verdant oasis.



In collaboration with Jotte Verrept, I embarked on a captivating project during Masterstudio C, drawing inspiration from Giotto's timeless fresco Read More
