Dibz Edits's profile

Dibz Studios Portfolio

Hire a video EDITOR to get more EVERYThing.
Hire me to get more, views, clients, sales, followers, and better content. Here is some exaMples of what i can do for you!
Why hire me? I have gotten people from 0 to over 100k views! I have all the time in the world so you don’t have to worry about changing your schedule, I have over three years of practice and experience editing videos, I am worth your money, I can edit whatever style you need and do it in amazing quality. 
I edit in a way that attracts people to your channel, accounts, websites, and sales. So yes, I’m worth your time. You can hire me as a one time editor or full time. You can Message me on instagram, discord, or just message my number. I use USD and my way of payment is usually through cashapp but we can discuss that through DMs.
-thank you for your time and I’m hoping to hear from you soon!-
My Discord: dibzedits
My mobile number: (605) 400-7349
Dibz Studios Portfolio


Dibz Studios Portfolio

If you want more information just message me
