Mohammad Shahrukh ✪ sin profilHasib Shagor ✪ sin profil

America First Capital — Logo & Brand Identity

America First Capital 

America First Capital, a well-known growth capital investment company, focuses on growing middle-market businesses in Texas and the Southwest. With more than a century of combined expertise, the business seeks to generate better returns via smart investments in a diverse portfolio.

The challenge was to design a logo that would not only represent the firm's comprehensive and strategic approach to investing, but would also be consistent with its main concentration on the American market, specifically Texas. The logo needs to represent trust, strength, and progress.

Objective: The goal was to create a logo that reflects America First Capital's commitment to supporting the development and value of middle-market businesses while also expressing its American heritage and regional emphasis.

Process: The design process began with a careful examination of the company's ideals and market position. The brand identity is based on important ideas like leadership, growth, and regional dedication. We examined various design elements, such as traditional American symbols and business-like looks, to convey strength and security.

Solution: The final logo features a stylized eagle soaring upwards, symbolizing leadership and growth. It uses red, white, and blue to highlight the firm's American roots. The modern and bold typeface emphasizes reliability and professionalism.

Project - America First Capital Brand Identity
Category - Finance/Investment/Capital
Services - Consulting, Funding, Management


America First Capital — Logo & Brand Identity

America First Capital — Logo & Brand Identity

The logo for America First Capital successfully communicates the firm's identity as a leader in growth capital investment, focused on delivering Se mer
