Parkdale known for it’s individial and atistic character is quickly being overrun by large corporations. Along with this movement there has been a gradual increase in the production of condominium buildings. This results in a shift in demographics, the oringal residents are getting pushed out by rising prices. Moving into the area are a younger and wealthier crowd. Amongst these new residents are people looking to start a new family. Parkdale coined ‘partydale’ by the locals has plenty of venues to host a good night but none so much that are appropriate for kids. In my project i want to target that which is missing in the area. With a school nearby, it’s clear that there is a demand. I plan to convert the site into a daycare centre that functions not only to look after but also give kids
a chance to bond with their parents. 
Section AA


Attended Ryerson University in Toronto where i was taught new methods of design
