Profilo di kus hervica

Mekso Ratu Painting by Kus Hervica

"Mekso Ratu"
Acrylic On Canvas
39,4" x 59"

Paintings about women's domination in the political arena are not only limited to the patriarchal system. so that it is not only men who are always dominant in a system. However, their dominance also gives rise to various chains of problems, where in eastern culture a woman always serves her husband and respects men. Emancipation is indeed very good, but if it is excessive, you will gradually lose the image of a woman who is elegant and always respects her husband.
For this reason, it is important to have a balanced attitude, be active in a system but don't forget to respect men and vice versa.

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Mekso Ratu Painting by Kus Hervica


Mekso Ratu Painting by Kus Hervica


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