The Brotherhood

Deep in the heart of Siberia, in a corner forgotten by time, lies a mysterious and peculiar place where a community gathers annually: former combatants of an internal war that left indelible marks on their lives. These men, trapped in an ethereal moment of history, uphold the traditions and fears of a conflict forgotten by the rest of the world. Through their portraits, we delve into an enigmatic universe where the past endures in carefully hoarded cans of provisions and vacuum-sealed rations, akin to magical objects in a distorted tale. They are silent witnesses to an era that refuses to fade in the vast Siberian landscape. Each image reveals a struggle to preserve memory, identity, and hope in a world where time seems to have stopped, as if they were trapped in a strange and wondrous dream.

The Brotherhood
Concept / Art Direction / AI
Luciano Koenig Dupont a.k.a Lucky
Post Production / Retouch
Luciano Koenig Dupont

Galerie d´art 3838
New York / Miami / Puerto Rico
Abbey International
Sfera Production Agency


The Brotherhood


The Brotherhood
