Visual Identity
Color palette

Wellva is a multivitamin brand with specially formulated products based on scientific research for women. Carefully selected formulas and high-quality ingredients ensure safety and optimal enrichment of your diet 
with essential nutrients.
Wellva products are tested by independent laboratories, which means that you can be sure that you are consuming exactly what is stated in the ingredients. We believe that health is the key to a better version 
of yourself.
Our goal was to create a thoughtful visual identity for the Wellva brand to reflect its core values and philosophy, while emphasizing the professional quality of each of the products. The product design leans towards minimalism, epitomizing simplicity and purity. The color palette consists of pastel colors and contrasting colors. We have incorporated abstract organic shapes into the packaging, subtly hinting at the natural ingredients contained within. This design symbolizes the journey towards a healthier daily life guided by Multivitamin.
The desired brand feeling was young, colorful and functional. Visual brand identity gives the message that these products actually work and they're not synthetic or empty. Subtle color scheme of each label makes it unique and recognizable among other products, but doesn't compromise minimality.
Quick contacts:
Instagram: @valerriia.k  |  Telegram: @valerriiak  |  Email: valeriiakriv03@gmail.com
Wellva® Packaging
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Wellva® Packaging

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