Herron Law さんのプロファイル

Why You Need A Car Accident Lawyer Now

Why You Need A Car Accident Lawyer Now
Your attorney will tell you the first thing to do is check your condition and that of others in the accident. You are required by law to see if anyone is hurt and call first responders if needed. Also, always call the police and have them fill out an accident report. Your Lake Oswego personal injury lawyer will need this evidence when you file a claim.

Next, go to the ER and have them check your condition. If you have any injuries, you must have them documented immediately. A major mistake many make is to wait to see a doctor. Every day you delay going to the doctor means the insurance company has more reason to deny your claim.

Contact Details of Portland Injury Firm:
Call us: 503-367-0829
Email us: olga@portlandinjuryfirm.com
Address: Kruse Woods I 5285 Meadows Road, Suite 204 Lake Oswego, OR 97035
Website: https://portlandinjuryfirm.com/

Why You Need A Car Accident Lawyer Now
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Why You Need A Car Accident Lawyer Now

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