Spidey Scents Candles
Introducing to all Spider-man fans the newest and freshest Spider-Man candles! Sold by Spidey Scents, we are given a total of three candles, each that contain scents by New York’s famous hero and villains!
First candle we see is Spider-Man’s Wild Cherry scented candle. Savor the scent of New York’s famous hero as he saves the city!
The second candle we see is one of our hero’s well-known arch nemesis, the Green Goblin. With this candle lingers a sour scent of green apple!
Lastly, we receive another one of Spider-Man’s arch nemesis that’s also well-know, Doc Ock.  With this clever villain comes the strong scent of cinnamon citrus!
Icons used:
Above is the progress video of creating all three Spider-Man candles!

Buy our candles now! Ignite your inner spider with our candles at Spider Scents because they are amazing and spectacular like our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man!
Spidey Scents Candles
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Spidey Scents Candles

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