This publication explores various narratives that connect with different units of time. It draws parallels between sand and time, emphasising their shared characteristics of being both minuscule and vast. Time can appear insignificant or overwhelming, yet the undeniable truth remains that we will all gradually be eroded by its passage.

Sandpaper, composed of countless grains, possesses an abrasive nature that smooths and eliminates unwanted layers. Similarly, time wears us down, akin to sandpaper that refines and polishes surfaces. The extent to which we allow time to grind and refine us depends on our attitude and perspective.

According to Olafur Eliasson, expressing time itself is a challenge, even though the act of verbalising it ironically requires time. In conversation, describing time tends to strip away its duration, reducing it to an idea or concept. Time is abstract – it is an experiential phenomenon. By engaging with this publication, I aim to convey time as both a cyclical process and a journey of progress.
Year / 2018
Design – Photography – Art Direction / Emily Chan

Special Thanks To
Elsa Cheung, Chan Yung Chi, Wan Pei (Faye) Lee, Arielle Tse, Katrina Kwok, Angela Yip, Carmen Chan, Christy Chan, Mavis Chan, Linda Zagidulina, Annabelle Chong, Florenza Palama, Alex Po Ka Lam, Emily Hulme, Tomomi Tokuda, Chantel Chan, Jennifer Lai, Frances Wen & Bluella Lee.
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