When thinking about the weeks set up of patterns I decided to go and look for interesting shapes and objects that i could photograph- 1/7- the first image is of our aircon unit at my house- the image has captured the fan of the aircon unit. 
2/7- the second image I captured comes under still life by turning the lights off and useing a tourch to give off the abstracted pattern on the metal bird enlarged on the wall. 
3/7- is an image of cages that are stacked up in my parents garden, i really liked the abstract formation of the squares formed from the metal outlining of this image giving it a 3D feel in a 2D image. 
I took this image while waiting at uni when it was raining. I wantwed to capture the pattern of the water drops being held on the leaf. 
the 3 images above were taken for a modern day pictorialism by useing the sepia contrast and a slight blur pattern as well as the lighting and shadows in the images. 
I decided to zoom in on the concrete on my back patio, I really liked the texture and thought by playing around with the fading and boosting it a little it flowed well.
my first attempt of trying to capture a water pattern- asking my partner to spray the water of the shower on the glass door giving it that spray look. thought the pattern was interesting, using a fast shutter. 
patterns week5

patterns week5

exploring the use of pattens


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