Profil von Stephanie Mendoza

CRT 222: Materials, methods, and Structures

CRT 222: Materials, Methods, and Structures.
This is my Behance page for a class I took this semester Spring 2024 called Materials, Methods, and Structures. It was a super fun class and I really enjoyed learning about the important concepts of craftsmanship! We learned welding, woodshop skills, plastics skills, and fabric skills!  Each section was divided into 4 work sprints: metal, wood, plastic, and fabric/foam. Here are the pictures of the projects I made!
Metal sprint: Welding a cube. Extra activity: Blacksmithing a hook.
Wood sprint: Build a tape dispenser with pocket holes. Extra activity: carving/bandsaw a duck.
Plastic sprint: Polywall organizer (vacuum forming) and chloroplast box. Extra Activity: Vacuum forming a mini tool kit organizer. 
Fabric sprint: Double-sided apron with buckle. Extra activity: Chloroplast Rocket. 

**I wasn't able to get pictures of the process of making both of these items. And my rocket was taken by someone during lab cleanout day before I could take any pictures of it.**
CRT 222: Materials, methods, and Structures

CRT 222: Materials, methods, and Structures
