I was thrilled and excited when Her Silent War, a personal work I created this year, won an AIAP award and was shortlisted for the book!

Out of more than 8,000 entries, the AI43 jury selected by majority vote 356 images that will appear in the book and online gallery representing the best images of 2023.

Many thanks to the jury!
Her Silent War
The inspiration for this work came from a heartbreaking incident that I heard from my friends in the past two years, where a desperate mother chose to end her life by holding her baby in her arms. A young female friend complained that due to household chores, work, childcare and the absence of her husband's "father" role, she felt that her life energy was about to be depleted, and she chose to leave her job to regulate her life, but because of her family's lack of understanding, she was faced with the dilemma of divorce. ......

In today's fast-paced society, women's multiple roles, under the scrutiny of the outside world and the self, can lead to
Some women have huge psychological conflicts and pressure, the smoke of this inner war is not easy to be detected, but it actually exists, and they feel that their selves are disappearing under the squeeze of time ......

I hope you can pay attention to and understand these "depression" and "postpartum depression" situations, and if you feel that your state of affairs is in trouble, please actively seek professional psychological counseling and take care of yourself. Please believe that you can recover.
《Her Silent War》


《Her Silent War》



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